

We're not sure how to say the name, but we know
what is it. It's first appearance may be in the form
"I don't think I'll do that today" or "I don't think I'll
go tonight dear". As time passes, this thing that
sounds like a new dance craze may evolve into
"I can't seem to drum up the enegry" or "I've been
tired all day". Over time this hard to pronounce
description will cause us to sit in the nearest chair
when entering a room. Requests such as "would you
get me a glass of water?" become more frequent.
Trips to such far away places as "the kitchen"
or "the bathroom" must be planned well in advance.
Once pleasant pastimes become events of such
duration that they pass into fond memories.
What is it? It's the effort to lift a child spent
lifting a glass. It's time walking in the sun with
friends spent crossing a room. It's the long walk
through the dark to turn on the light.
It's a thief  that turns seconds to minutes and
minutes to hours. All this, and such an odd
sounding name.  Bradykinesia.
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