

WELCOME, I hope youur dad does well.  We all like to help.
I was diagnosed 3+  years ago.  Here are my symptoms they might affect
your father in the future.
Bradykinesia (slowness of movement)  - fatigue  - insomina- rigiddity
dry eyes (due to decreased blinking) - constipation- lack of motivation
difficulty planning my days - increased emotional reactions (don't if
I'll be able to watch the Steeler game on Sun.)
My newest sympton is curling of toes on R foot, and R leg dystonia
(involuntary slow twisting movements)
Here in the Pittsburgh area we have many support groups and once a
month is a Lecture Series.  Both are good for patients and caregiivers.
Being with people always makkes me feel better.
Have your Dad report all problems to his Dr because if disability looms
in the future he will need documentation.
Your Dad is fighting for his life- he needs to learn all  he can about
PD  Besides the newletters mentioned earlier by Cammillia there is
UNITED PARKINSON FOUNDATION 833 west Waashington Blvd. Chicago 60607
312/733-1893.  They publish research reports.
But MOST IMPORTANT is the Parkinson's Action Network.  This is an
advocacy report for the PD community.  Currently we need to get the
UDALL BILL passed.  Call them at 800-850-4726.  WE expect a cure in
5 years of less.
Also I would suggest getting Dad on line.  Here in  the Burg I pay no
fee for my internet connection. Just the cost of a phone call.
Last-when signing off we usually give our age & years disgnosed.
Margie Nestler
61- 3+