

Comments on a statement made by Joyce Tames:  She recommended Jill's father
should attend a Young (meaning newly diagnosed) support group.
As a support group leader of Young-Onset support groups, let it be known that
Young-Onset and recently diagnosed are not the same.  By strict definition
this is what it looks like.
    Age of Onset of PD          Group classification
          < 20                                Juvinile PD
         20 <  but < 40                  Young-Onset
          40 < but < 50                   can go with Young-Onset of normal
          50  < but < 65                  Normal onset - average age is about
           65 < but < 75                  can go with Normal or late onset
            > 75                                Late Onset
Here in California people under age 60 are the target of the Young-Onset
Support Groups.  One of our members, MC, is 56 and has had PD since age 18.
 The difference is in the period of their life when they must face a chronic
illness.  Young Onset faces disruption of the family and productive years.
 The other group faces disruption of the golden years.  The problems are no
less severe for either groups.  Both groups have newly diagnosed as well as
those diagnosed for some years.
I am not jumping on Joyce for the slip. I saw an opportunity to talk about
some of the differences and took it.
Alan Bonander ([log in to unmask])