

Re: helping handle the diagnosis of PD---Ron makes a valid point from his
experience.  As a retired counselor I'm prejudiced (!) but I do feel it
is important to consider tha emotional components of illness and how they
interact with the physical.  This is an important point made by Rich, in
his original post about psychological causes of PD. While we don't have much
info re: the _causative_ factor, we do know that there are numerous studies
looking at  various personality types and their possible predisposing to
illnesses--there's so much we DON'T KNOW about the mind-body connections....
It has been suggested here in the past that PD probably has MANY causes,
in the semse that many different things may "trigger" the intricate inter-
actions that cause the death of cells in the substantia nigra. We've all
speculated about toxins, trauma(physical),well water, pesticides, etc,etc.
Maybe this is one more area to look at. Rich mentioned there were studies
"showing that childhood trauma can permanently alter brain chemistry".
I would be interested in knowing more about the research he refers to,
source of the research,whre reported,etc. Whether this is a clue to a "cure"
maybe be doubtful, but Rich speaks movingly of his own experience with the
dramatic improvement in _symptoms_which is hard to disregard.
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter,76/6+