

This is a P.S. to my post about mind-body/PD.  To answer Ron's queries,
yes, more attention should be paid at diagnosis--wouldn't it be great
if doctors were using the team approach, with trained medical social
workers who could follow up with patients, and have skills doctors don't
usually have in counseling re: emotional issues? Also support groups can
tackle these issues, but they should have skilled guidance,I think, in doing
so. Resource people can be called on, in this area as in any other. There
are many situations where the patient and CG are medically "naive" and may
not even know where to begin asking questions,and  a clinical team could
speak to their needs. (I think of one woman in our support group who calls me
because she can't talk to her husband/CG--"he doesn't know what I'm talking
about", she mourns. )  Just another "reform" needed in our medical system??
Camilla Flintermann