

I was impressed by both letters on the subject of depression.  Nice work.  I
thought I would just throw out one thought.  As a recovering alcoholic of 17
or 18 years duration, I have always felt that the Serenity Prayer of AA is
the greatest tool for dealing with these problems that come along like PD.
 When I was diagnosed, I went through a period of depression as we all do,
but I found it was easier than facing the fact I was an alcoholic and my
friends were not (Poor me, Poor me, Poor me).As that sage of our group  is
wont to say, "Poor me, Poor me, Poor me -- inevitably leads to "Pour me
another one". .  In any event the Serenity Prayer carried me through that sad
time and has helped me get by other disappointments since then.  For those
who may not recall this gem, here it is:
      "God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I
         cannot change,
       The COURAGE to change the things I can,
       And the WISDOM to know the difference."
I hope that I can always remember this masterful tool.
PettifogJS (Jack Stanfield, Laramie, Wyo. AOL@Com)