

Dear Margaret:
     Thank you so much for replying to my inquiry.  The doctor said it would
take 2-3 weeks to see any results - assuming that she can tolerate the
possible side effects of increased dry mouth and drowsiness.  So, we'll know
in a few weeks.
     I'm looking at your comments on the survey - and noticed you mentioned a
major problem with Sinemet absorption.  Was that always the case?  My mother
did very well the first 3 years or so but in the last year or so has had a
much more difficult time - especially with the "off" periods.   The
neurologist really has not been able to help us much in the area of
absorption and has suggested altering the dosage and time of the Sinemet.
 But my mother is not specific enough - or really aware enough - of what
she's feeling - so I hesitate to suggest changes in her schedule.  Did your
doctor suggest the liquid Sinemet or did you do it on your own?
     My mom's "off" periods pop up very quickly - at different times during
the day - last a varying amount of time - and even happen within 20-30
minutes of taking the Sinemet.  Has any of this been your experience too?
     The Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement sounds wonderful - thanks for
the explanation - I'm glad to hear it has given you some relief in your
struggle with PD.
My mother went for a couple of months worth of physical therapy last fall -
because she has become quite rigid - but she finds it hard to continue them
at home - due to lack of energy and strength - most days.  Hopefully, when
our winter weather improves I'll be able to take her back for therapy.
        Thanks for your very informative and indepth explanations!      Cathy