

> I was busy doing something I enjoyed. I forgot all about the pills.
> What's happening to me! I could do this a second ago. Now my hands are
> moving a little slower and I'm hitting the wrong keys! I'll try
> harder, that's all that's needed. See, everything is fine.
> Wait, they're moving slower still!  Somebody help me!
> It's slowly draining away and I can't make it stop. I can't hold on to
> it! Strength, energy, and control are slowly leaching away. Tears. A
> sense of loss, hopelessness, and failure. Was it really this bad
> before the pills? How long did they say it takes, a half hour or so?
> Has it been a half hour? Slowly, oh so slowly, the energy, the
> strength, and the control ooze back as though from a reluctant source.
> It's gone, for now. But, it's still there, waiting. This new monster
> is waiting for me to slip so it can again drain away the control that,
> until now, I've taken so much for granted.
> I'm going to do my best make it wait, a very.... long.... time.
It is often hard for caregivers to understand the trials of PD.  This is
the very best description of what happens when Sinemet "kicks" off that I
have ever read.  Thank you, Marvin, for giving us an eloquent glimpse of
what our loved ones experience.
Mary Ann
Zippo's mom