

Name:Stanford Hamburger
e-Mail:([log in to unmask])
Years Parkinsonian:15
Years Medication:14
Medical Indications:
1.Idiopathic Parkinsons
2.Normal MRI
NAME                  DOSAGE(mg X daily frequency)
1.Sinemet CR              50/200 X 6
2.Sinemet                 25/100 X 3
3.Parlodel(2.5mg)           17.5 X 3
4.Amantadine                 100 X 2
5.Vitamin C                  500 X 1
6.Vitamin E                  400 X 1
7.Baby aspirin                     1
8.Zoloft                     75 X 1 (morning)
9.Amytriptiline              25 X 1 (evening)
10.Xanax 0.25mg                   1 (bedtime as needed)
1.Started with an anticholinergic(Kemadrin) at diagnosis
2.Began Sinemet about 4-5 years later
3.Permax tried but noticed more dyskinesia and was less effective
5.Amantadine started a few weeks ago to try to smooth out the on/off - not
much change
6.Little tremor noted - occasionally in hand at rest
7.Bradykinesia signals time for dosage
8.Biggest problems are significant dyskinesia, bradykinesia and frequent
on/off periods
9.Significant sleeping problems
10.No joint pains, constipation, swallowing difficulties or dystonia
11.Took Eldepryl for several years -  dr. stopped it because of dyskinesias
12.PD started on R side, started slowly on L side after a few years
It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the
best, you very often get it.
                     W. Somerset Maughm