

Hi Y'all...
It's been a long time since I have posted to the list but I have been
reading diligently..Between my son (who has Fragile x and MR), studying for
school (double major in psyhcology and biology...ugh!!) and my Daddy ( who
has the PD/AD combo...), I have been to wiped out to respond to many of the
wonderful posts......One thing caught my eye though...
Someone was talking about coughing up phlegm while they are sleeping..Pardon
my ignorance but is this a PD characteristic....? My Dad is always coughing
up something...(forgive me for being so blunt...)
We are still encountering the chewing and swallowing difficulties of recent
months, with no improvement. I shared with my Dad the post about sugar's
effect on sleep.....Since his favorite snack before bed is ICE CREAM, he was
not moved.......Oh well......
Hope all is well for everyone...
Hanging in there,
daughter and CG of Adam, dxed in 1992 with PD, in 1985 ith AD...
Suzanne Silva
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Houston, TX