

sorry for the delayed response on this folks.  I don't always stay current
with my mail but a night like last one makes up for it....
re: the sleep discussion between JESTERN and Jerry Finch amen, bro's, amen.
 Sleep is no longer required; it is optional although I pay the price the
next day because I am usually as stiff as a piece of Portuguese salt dried
cod until evening approaches once again when I slowly morph back into the
Sinemet Liberace  of the terminal keyboard again.  Often my best hours are
between 10PM and about 4AM too.  Perhaps everyone with Parkinsons needs to
move about 14 time zones to the west/9 to the East?  We are all
geographically challenged and were born approx on the wrong side of the
planet (yes, I often feel that way).  Anyway, the lack of sleep isn't so bad,
but the payment the next day is.  Any hints  on how to let the physical body
"sleep fast" would be appreciated (maybe it's time to try some yoga again).
finally, re; Pat Schark and the pramipexole study - I too am on that and,
besides dropping identical little white  pills of 2 different medicinal
strengths all over the house (what will these chemists think of next? teflon
coated toilet paper?  sometimes their  minds work in fiendish ways) anyway,
besides lil white pills all over, the few I manage to get inside my internal
combustion machine don't do squat, nada, zilch, zippo, zed, cypher.  I am
glad that someone does have a kind word for them, give me an address and when
I sweep the kitchen floor you're welcome to another bottle's worth or two.
Rat in the desert (paint it pigskin this weekend, the StuporBowl is just
winding down)