

Just in case anybody's interested in the answer to the question I
inadvertently posted, here's what Lee Jackson had to say:

Mr. Hunt:

To the extent that we learn through language, I thought that it would
be of interest to determine how people around the world learn through
the use of natural language search engines.

I have often pondered the extent to which internet resources (and
the world wide web in particular) are english-centric.  If more
organizations and individuals were to develop multilingual resources
that are searchable by keywords in many languages, just imagine how
much more effectively we could locate information!  I am currently
helping to develop resources for several non-profit organizations
which are interested in providing multilingual information resources,
and this project led to my posts in a number of USENET groups and
mailing lists, including yours.

I have tried to carefully avoid the impression of "spamming", and
hope you were not unduly offended by my post.  I chose your mailing
list among others from the inter-links listserv directory.

Sometimes, it's hard to know where the best information will come
from, and I thought that given the title of your list, your
subscribers may well have some insights into this topic.  I have
received a number of responses from many diverse sources, and have
amassed a growing list of non-English specific search engines.  If it
would be of any interest to you and/or the CASLL list, I would be
happy to share my findings.


Lee Jackson
web developer and recovering english major:-)
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