

Below is the University of Waterloo's reading list for the Phd Composing
Theory and Pedagogy exam. Short titles only.

I. History
Berlin, J. Rhetoric and Reality: Writing INstruction in American Colleges

... Writing Instruction in Nineteenth-Century American Colleges

Graves, R. Writing Instruction in Canadian Universities

Hubert, H. Harmonious Perfection: The Development of English Studies in
Nineteenth-Century Anglo-Canadian Colleges

Murphy, J. A Short History of Writing Instruction

II. Influences
Bakhtin, M. "The Problem of Speech Genres."
...."Discourse in the Novel"

Belenky, M.F. et al. Women's Ways of Knowing

Bourdieu, P. "The production and reproduction of legitimate language"
and "Censorship and the Imposition of form" in Language and Sybolic POwer

Derrida, J. "Part I: Writing before the Letter" in Of Grammatology

Fish, Stanley. "Is there a text in this class"

Foucault, M. "What is an author"
.... The Archaeology of Knowledge

Freire, P. Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

Gilligan, C. In A Different Voice

Olson, Gary and Irene Gale, eds.  (Inter)views: Cross-Disciplinary
Perspectives on Rhetoric and Literacy.

Ong, W.J. Orality and Literacy

Vygotsky, L. Thought and Language

III.  Composition Studies

Anson, C. ed. Writing and Response

Bazerman, C. Shaping Written Knowledge

Bazerman, C. and D.R. Russell, ed.  Landmark Essays: on Writing Across
the Curriculum

Britton, J. et al. The Development of Writing Abilities

Clifford, J and J. Schlib,eds. Writing Theory and Critical Theory.

Cooper, C. R. and Lee Odell, eds. Evaluating Writing

Covino, W. The Art of wondering

Ede, L and A. Lunsford. Singular Texts/Plural Authors.

Elbow, P. Writing without Teachers.

Emig, J. Composing Processes of twelfth Graders

Faigley, L. Fragments of Rationality: Postmodernity and the Subject of

Gabreil, S. and I. Smithson, eds. Gender in the Classroom: Power and

Freedman, A. and P. Medway, eds. Learning and Teaching Genre.

Gere, A. Sites of Composition Studies

Harkin, P. and J. Schlib, eds. Contending with words.

Knoblauch, C.H. and L. Brannon. Rhetorical Traditions and the
Teaching of Writing.

Lanham, R. Style: An Anti-Textbook

Lanham, R. The Electric Word

Lefevre, K. Invention as a Social Act.

Lindemann, E. A Rhetoric for Writing Teachers (1995)

Mullin, J and R. Wallace, eds. Intersections: Theory and Practice in
the Writing Centre.

Shaughnessy, M.  Errors and Expectations

Tate, G. , E.P.J. Corbett, and N. Myers.  Writing Teacher's
Sourcebook. (1994)

Ulmer, G. Applied Grammatology.

Students are also advised to read widely in the following journals

College Composition and Communication
College English
Rhetoric Review
Journal of Advanced Composition
Written Communication

The following articles are considered cannonical and are required

Berlin, J. "Contemporary Composition: the Major Pedagogical Theories."
CE 44 (Dec.1982) 765-777.

Bizzell, P. "Cognition, Convention, and Certainty: What We Need to
Know about Writing." Pre/Text, 3 (1982) 213-43.

Bruffee, K. "Social construction, Language, and the Authority of
Knowledge: A Bibliographic Essay." CE 48 (Dec. 1986) 773-790.

Ede, L. and A. Lunsford. "Audience Addressed/Audience Invoked: The
Role of Audience in Composition Theory and Pedagogy." CCC 35,2 (May,
1984) 144-171.

Elbow, P. "Closing My Eyes as I Speak: An Argument for Ignoring
audience." CE 41, 1 (January 1987) 50-69.

Flower, Linda. "Writer-Based Prose: A Cognitive Basis for Problems
in Writing." CE 41, 1 (September, 1979) 19-38.

Flower, Linda and J.R. Hayes. "A Cognitive Process Theory of
Writing." CCC 32, (1981) 365-87.

Flynn, E. "Composing as a Woman." CCC 39 (1988) 423-35.

Hairston, M. "The Winds of Change:Thomas Kuhn and the Revolution in
the Teaching of Writing." CCC 33, 1 (February, 1982) 76-8.

Lunsford, A. "Composing Ourselves: Politics, Commitment, and the
Teaching of Writing." CCC 41, 1 (February 1990) 71-83

Perl, S. "Understanding Composing." CCC 31 (December 1980) 363-369.

Reither, J. "Writing and Knowing: Toward Redefining the Writing
Process." CE 47, 6 (october, 1985) 629-628.

Sommers, N. "Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced
Adult WRiters." CCC 31 (Dec. 1980) 378-388.

Tompkins, J. "Pedagogy of the Distressed." CE 52 (1990) 653-60.

Young, Richard. "Arts, Crafts, Gifts, and Knacks:Some Disharmonies
in the New Rhetoric." in Reinventing the Rhetorical Tradition. A.
Freedman and I. Pringle, eds.  53-60.

The Phd students receive a cleaned up version of this
bibiliography.  They are also required to construct a short
bibliography of their own  that focuses on one of the issues in

I hope this helps--

Cathy Schryer