

Alan Bonander:
Re your message to Bob Howard - I have read that patients on Sinemet
(carbidopa/levadopa) should take at least enough to assure getting at least
75 mg carbidopa and up to 150 mg daily (24 hours).  One guide says 100 mg is
all most people need.  You said target is around 100-150 mg.  So it looks
like we all agree on something like - no less than 75 mg and no more than 200
mg carbidopa (in Sinemet) daily.   What some of us don't know is - what
happens if we take too much carbidopa - what are the toxic signs.  (I didn't
get the message on the listserv which Bob Howard sent re his wife's problem
with Sinemet so I am floundering around trying to guess).
You are an expert at getting down to the nitty gritty of PD and treatment.
 Some of us need a course in materia medica but will settle for regular
treatment bulletins.  Would you get into carbidopa a bit more?  In fact
consider writing a brand new up to date Parkinsons handbook.  We really need
Barbara Yacos
Hanover NH
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