

At 4:26 AM 2/4/96, P. Schark wrote:
>Good luck to you! Pallidal stimulation sounds more attractive to me than
>the pallidotomy because it's safer and reversible.  Too bad it's
>experimental and not covered by insurance...
(rest snipped)
Actually, Pat, Dr Kohler told me, after i inquired about the insurance
companies, that one gentleman who had the procedure done in Kansas City had
his insurance company (Blue Cross--don't know the state) pay for the whole
thing.  I have Blue Cross, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed. :-)
Jeffrey R. Romanyshyn, M.A, M.H. 28/(Santa Barbara, CA USA)"Myth Hawk"
Email: [log in to unmask] 3yrs/Sinemet 10/100 4x/Permex .375mg
3x/Eldepyrl 5mg 1x/Lift Weights-Cycle--4-5 times per week
"Summoned or not, (the) god will be present." (Oracle at Delphi motto)