

Dear Bill,
This is a short dissertation on my experience with a Pallidotomy (PVP).
First I am 52 years old  and wae diagnosed in early 1988. I was from the
first over medicated partly due to my ignorance and partly due to an
incompetent neuro. So from about the second year I was troubled with
dyskinesia. I finally got to where I was either off or dyskinetic. There was
little middle ground. I was to the point that I was going to go on
disability. But, thank God for Dr. Burchiel. I now have an excellent
neurologist, Dr. Sheila Sund. She referred me to the movement disorders
clinic at OHSU for evaluation. The Dr. there, Dr. Stephen Gancher,
agreed that I was a good candidate for  a  PVP. He referred me to see Dr.
Burchiel on July 18, 1995. This was the middle of May. I could hardly wait.
When the day finally came Dr. Burchiel discussed the procedure with me and
agreed that I was a good subject. The scheduled time was August 21, 1995.
I anticipated that date like a little kid anticipates Christmas. Time
wouldn't pass fast enough.
When the surgery date came I was first fitted with a steriotactic  frame on
my head. It was fitted with an MRI localizer  and sent to MRI. Then after
some waiting the surgery began (it was about 9:30 am). I felt just a little
pressure when the Dr. drilled the insertion holes, but no more that that.
During the procedure they kept asking me questions like what was my name,
where did I think that I was at, count to ten. Then when the first lesion
was placed the Dr., told me to raise my leg and to raise my hand and hold
them steady. I was able to do it with out any trouble. Then in less than 30
minutes the other lesion was placed. The frame was removed  and I was
wheeled back to my room. I slept soundly for about four hours. I had hardly
slept the night before.
After the PVP I have had no dyskinesia, my medication works for me
(5-25/100, 6- 25mg Permax per day)
I have full use of my hands and legs with very little. Stiffness. I just
feel like I've been given back my life. The one down side is that my speech
is affected to a small extent. I will take that. In the morning prior to
taking any meds I still shuffle when I walk. Would I recommend it. YES!, for
anyone as plagued with dyskinesia as I was.
This was some of my experience.
David Moreland
David L. Moreland