

The February, 1996 issue of the Mayo Clinic Health Letter has a brief 20
to 25 paragraph summary article entitled 'Parkinson's Disease' with sub
headings "Between coping and a cure" "A chemical loss" "Signs and
symptoms"  "Finding a medication balance" "Targeting brain tissue" and
"Ongoing research."  The article contains nothing that those of us on the
list do not already know, but it is a good, very brief summary.
Two sentences caught my attention and I believe warrant quoting.  The
first is a statistical observation: "Somewhere between coping in the
present and hoping for a future cure, 1 percent of Americans older than
60 are living with Parkinson's disease."
And the observation that gives me some optimism and hope, and one that I
have to keep reminding myself: "The disease is always progressive, but
the rate at which symptoms develop and their severity vary."  An
  Sid Roberts   66/dx2
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