

Michel Margosis writes
I should not meddle in this, but I worry about people who get into a tizzy
and gad about to find out what to do about PD.  If you get an answer from
each of us on the list, you would need to statiscally determine the best
approach for your case.  Looking around just the small number of people in
our support group, I can see the wide divergence and degree in the disease
and the variety of therapy available.  I am absolutely convinced that the
treatment for my wife is strictly  up to the neurologist.  The information we
get from this listing is good, but it helps me only in finding out about new
therapies, pharmaceutical and/or medical, that we can discuss, and
occasionally bring about THROUGH our neurologist.   Good
luck...............................Michel Margosis
My reply is
    I wonder how you will feel when your wife reaches the advanced
Parkinson's stage and your neurologist can't do any more for her.
    I am fortunate to have a neurologist who realizes that the caregiver and
the neurologist must work together as a team.
    This Parkinson's support group it doing a wonderful job and everyone
concerned, especially Barb P. should be congratulated for making a
worthwhile contribution to Parkinson's.
  From Robert Naylor spouse and caregiver of Olive Naylor Age 73 Parkinsons
19 years.
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