

Joyce and Barb:
     I truly appreciate your comments, and can also accept and even empathize
with the frustrations of others.  When our primary physician was found to be
wanting and my Barbara was far more 'energetic' than she should be, we
changed all our doctors.  Barb was found to be way overdosed with Sinemet,
and the new neurologist titrated her medication carefully.  Both of us are
retired health professionals, but even then when Barb was operated on two
weeks ago, released after one week and  going back with a set back, and fed
totally by IV for days, it took the surgeon, neurologist, primary physician
and I to enforce the degree of nursing care that she needed to keep her under
control; and this second hospitalization is demanding all the attention and
constant communication with the attending staff that we can muster.  If this
is not done she will be either frozen or over dyskinetic.  But it is only in
conjunction and trust in your doctors with the challenge of competency that
we can achieve a certain level 'tranquillity'.
     My Barb has many medications that have been prescribed by the various
MD's, but each of them has been apprised of all the drugs, but ultimately I
together with my pharmacist must verify the accuracy and compatibility of
what medications we ingest.  It is indeed a constant struggle.
     There are many subjects out there in the E-mail world, some of academic
but many of personal interest.  BE WELL,  you have all become an important
part of my life.  Thanks.
Michel  (retired  chemist)
Barbara (retired nurse; 63+6yrs)