

It's 3:00 in the morning and, you guessed it, I'm awake.
Went to bed at 10. Should've known better (silly twit).
I think I'd rather wake up screaming at the fan.
Hey, it looked like a big hairy spider, it was entertaining
and I had a reason to wake my mate.
Tonight what have I got? I've got the terrible
"Bore you almost to death, don't wake her up
stiff upper lip, I wanna cry, screaming wakeitus".
You know what it is, don't ya.
You don't!  You will.
It sneeks up on ya in the dark.
Yer eyes pop open.
Ya look at the clock (have to, can't help it).
You roll over .  This can be amusing and, if
luck is with you, time consuming.
Of course, rolling over is only fullfilling once,
then it's work.  Next, think of something relaxing.
Nude....ah....sorry, (sheepish grin) it works, sometimes.
Now you reached that state of relaxed wakefullness
that some people work for years to reach and never attain.
Next, the bladder starts talking or your mate starts (resumes)
snoreing or...well, you get the idea.
If you are lucky, you have something you can do
at this point that won't wake the dead and will give you
a feeling of accomplishment.
If not, remember, "you are brave".
Yes you are!  Somehow, believe it or not,
you caught bravery when you aquired PD.
So remember, as those green numbers slowly
click off the minutes......what! You expected
something profound? It's 4:00 in the morning!
--<--<@ Puppy @>-->--
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