

On 2/6/96 Alan Bonander relayed a request for help in finding people who
have "experienced...end stage PD".  Since then a couple of listmembers have
suggested Alan should post his findings to the list. It is my reading of Alan's
 post that he was simply going to pass along NAMES(of those who responded )
to the writer,and would not be getting the data himself.  Thus, there would be
nothing to share with this list.  While there are good reasons to inform oursel
ves re: "end stages" I also recall that the need for a caregivers' list separat
e from the main PD list grew_in part_out of concern some people expressed that
there were those on the list who_did not want to deal with_such "sensitive"
issues. Perhaps the appropriate response to the requests for info would be to
refer them to sources we know of,or if these are few, to suggest that they
request_offlist_feedback from those with experience in these areas. That's
certainly an optionopen to anyone, and would not place an unwanted burden
on those who are"not  ready" to look farther down the road. (if you are
new to the list, you can find the discussions of "sensitivity" in the archives)
Just a thought---
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter,76/6+  Oxford,OH