

Since getting PD (and before starting any meds) I have very dry skin and
sometimes it itches.  My face has a particularly attractive combination of
extreme dryness and patches of greasy seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) that
extends to scalp.  I can keep it all under control with Head and Shoulders
shampoo (or Selsun if it is really bad) and a very light application of low
strength cortisone ointment on the facial lesions at bedtime.  If my dry
flakey arms and legs get too itchy I take one Benedryl 25 mg.  I also slather
on lotions and creams after a bath or shower or swim.
I am trying to get a water habit of 8 glasses of fluid  a day.  To hydrate my
skin as well as my bowel.  Constipation and dry skin should tell me something
- l6 ounces total fluid just doesn't do it for me and I must change my ways.
 My husband says dehydration probably caused my PD.  I am never thirsty  so
must constantly think DRINK or I end the day having only had 8 oz. juice and
Barbara Yacos
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