

Thought the group might luck a chuckle (if you find my verse amusing that
is).  It would be ego-centric of me to think EVERYONE would laught. Ha-ha!
excuse me, do you have the time?
suspended somewhere between
a gopher hole and a Googolplex
WE call reality:
it's usually a collect call!
things seem to
happen gradually
at any time:
I'm never there!
once something happened
at some time
and happened VERY gradually:
I wish I had known what time!
we feel the need to
always measure time
but how much time
do we have?
over the course of time
what have been
our assigned readings?
we are always taking
time out
why can't time
dine in?
it's high time
(as opposed to low time?)
I did something about that
but time happens gradually:
so I miss it!
I never know the time!
it's all in the timing
j.r. romanyshyn
Jeffrey R. Romanyshyn, M.A, M.H. 28/(Santa Barbara, CA USA)"Myth Hawk"
Email: [log in to unmask] 3yrs/Sinemet 10/100 4x/Permex .375mg
3x/Eldepyrl 5mg 1x/Lift Weights-Cycle--4-5 times per week
"When you look deep into the cosmos you look far back into time.  You come
to realize that the universe is what happened yesterday." (Me)