

subsidised living for my aunt. She is 91 and lives alone in Daytona
Beach Fla. in an area that has turned quite bad. She owns the home but
only receives less than $150.00 a month to live on. She has stated she
would possibly move to Maryland or Virginia ( where I live ) but only
as a last resort and prefers to stay in the Fla. area. She can't take
cold weather.
    Since I am on disability with PD I dont feel I  can take care of
her and therefore am trying to find a solution.  Some of the places I
have contacted have been of no help and since I am only a nephew I
can't do much as far as benefits for her.
    She claims she would rather die than live like she is doing now.
Currently she has no TV or radio (they were stolen) she cant afford her
phone and her furnace is broken.Houses in that area do not sell fast
and hers need some repairs. What I am looking for is a solution that
can be done quickly while she tries to sell her home.
    Any help I can receive would be greatly appreciated.
    I would also appreciate hearing from anyone who has had a
palladotomy performed at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. I understand they
are doing the proceedure but have no other information.
    I know this is a parkinsons listserver and appologise for using it
to ask for help with a non-PD situation but don't know where to go for
information. I do have many questions associated with parkinsons but
wont waste your time now and wil l post them later. This listserve has
been fantastic in gaining information. Over the past month I think I
have learned more about PD than I have from several doctors.
John Kraft 50 / 15 yrs   [log in to unmask]