

Report to List from Anne Rutherford   [log in to unmask]  St John's NF
RE: Daily Amount of Permax (pergolide)
On Jan 15 I asked the list these two questions re Permax
Q1 <<What is the maximum recommended quantity  of pergolide
(Permax) a day?>>
Q2  <<Does anyone take more Permax than I do?>> (I take 5 mg)
I would like first of all to thank everyone who sent a reply and those
who would have answered if they had the strength. I would also like to
say that I am not giving any medical advice. I will  hand this
information to my Medical Team and I  will follow their advice. Please
don't make any changes on your own.
A word about Permax, it is the commercial name for pergolide--which is a
dopamine agonist. In the UK it is known as ?Celance. Dopamine agonists
are mostly used with Sinemet (and similar meds) because the effect of the
two of them  is better than either one by itslf.   The other dopamine
agonist in regular use is Parlodel ( bromocriptine) which I took for 5
years or so before switching to Permax.
I asked these questions because it is almost time for me to climb onto a
higher rung on the ladder. And since I only take 2 kinds of medication,
(Sinemet and Permax) one of them will be increased. Right now my Permax
is at the highest level prescribed by the local doctors!
Summary of the answers I received
One answer quoted the product information sheet:
--In the drug trials the average (mean) therapeutic daily dose was 3mg
per day.
--The efficacy of Permax at doses above 5 mg/day has not been
systematically evaluated."
There were eight answers from people giving their own daily amount of
permax. One of the eight also reported the amount of permax taken by
three others as well as himself.
note: One reply  said 20 mg per day had been suggested for a patient
trying to get off another parkinson medication. I don't know if this
advice was followed, so I have left this amount off the list.
The doses reported are listed below:
Daily Permax
 0.75mg     (reported by self)
 6.00mg (reported by another
13.0mg  (reported by another
It appears that  3.0mg is the popular amount of Permax  but there are
some who take a lot more. Quite encouraging.
I have emailed this message to my Movement Disorder Clinic and will see
them in a week or two.
Again - my thanks to all who helped
Anne Rutherford  St John's NF