

Moe Stein--re: propulsid (cisapride) .  Peter has been using this for
nearly a year, and finds it helpful with the chronic and cyclically-recurring
constipation of PD. He takes 2 tablets 20-30 min. before each meal, and
often also 1 Tblsp. of Lactulose syrup(Chronulac,Duphalac) about 15 min.
before the meals. You might want to look at the "Constipation Protocol"
which is in the PD archives ( #7875 and 7880 ) for other suggestions, and there
is LOTS of stuff in the archives under "constipation" in addition to that.
Peter has not felt that the propulsid affcted off time. When he told the
neuro that he had heard of it on this list, the doc commented that he was just
startingto prescribe it!  Good hunting!
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter,76,6+yrs. Oxford,OH