

Just me again, with more evidence of the growth of research increasing
just about as fast as the internet.
When I think of the technology that I've (almost) started taking for
granted on my desktop, versus 10 short years ago; and then apply that
analogy to the average scientist/researcher, I can only be filled with
wonder and hope. For all of us.
CELL BIOLOGY  Regulating G Protein Signaling
Wade Roush
Cell biologists have long known that cells can damp down their
responses to hormones, neurotransmitters, and other regulators, but
exactly how this "desensitization" occurs has been unclear.
Now a flurry of work from several labs is revealing how one major
group of intracellular communication lines -- those using G proteins
to transmit signals to the cell interior -- achieves this volume
Researchers have identified a new family of proteins, known as the RGS
proteins (for regulators of G protein signaling), that attenuate
signaling through those pathways, apparently by binding to one of the
three protein subunits that make up a complete G protein.
The new findings could lead to a much better understanding of how G
protein-signal pathways work -- information that could have practical
implications as up to 60% of all drugs exert their effects through
these pathways.
Volume 271, Number 5252, Issue of 23 February 1996, pp. 1056-1058
)1996 by The American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Janet Paterson  -  48  -  7  -  [log in to unmask]  -  Bermuda