

That is wonderful news; thank you for posting your great results, as well
as your reduction in meds.  I'm on the list in Kansas City to have a
pallidai stimulation done, hopefully by the end of the summer.
At 4:08 PM 2/26/96, Geert Arien wrote:
>Hi All,
>I like to tell you all that I've got a pallidal stimulation at the
>university of Gent on the 26th of januar.  I was the first (young)
>Parkinsonian who got this new surgery in Belgium....
>Gone stifness, gone slowness, gone tremor, gone dyskenisea,... I have to
>take now half of medication...(5x1/4 prolopa (levodopa), 4x1/2 of Permax
>(pergolide) and 0 pills of eldypril (selegiline)).
>What I will tell you is that there is hope for all the Parkinsonians around
>the globe....
>                   " TO HELL WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE !!! "
>With a warm heart from Belgium,
>Geert Arien
>(If you are interessed in more detailled information about this surgery,
>please write a message to me).
"Peace from the clouds"                       \--*MH*--/
Jeffrey R. Romanyshyn, M.A., M.H.             Email: [log in to unmask]
Poet/Ph.D. student: Mythological Studies
"When we look deep into the cosmos, we look far back into time, and
realize, the universe is what happened yesterday." (Me)