

Everyone realizes I hope that a Newgroup is completely unmoderated; anyone
can post anything!  The advantage to a subscriber listserv like this is: if
you flame someone ("Net jargon for insult), you could be kicked off.
A newgroup alongside this list would not be a problem in my opinion, just
be prepared to wade through alot of "Spams' ("Net jargon for junk-mail) on
a Newsgroup.  At least here, we may not weant to read everything posted,
but none of it, probably, will be flames or spams. :-)
My two cents.
>I agree that this would be easier to maintain and select from as a
>newsgroup. Many responces should go direct to person and not general
>distrobution. Please keep me informed if any more interest for
Jeffrey R. Romanyshyn, M.A, M.H. "Myth Hawk" 28/(Santa Barbara, CA USA)
Email: [log in to unmask] 3yrs/Sinemet 10/100 4x/Permex .50mg
5x/Eldepyrl 5mg 1x/Lift Weights-Cycle-Swim: 4-5 times per week
"When we look deep into the cosmos, we look far back into time, and realize,
the universe is what happened yesterday." (Me)