

News of this symposium, sponsored by an Educational Grant from Somerset
Pharmaceuticals and Sandoz, has appeared on this list.
The program will be beamed 'live' from Keystone, Colorado, and will be
chaired by Dr. Warren Olanow, chairman of the Department of Neurology at
Mount Sinai.
The program will include an overview "What's New in Scientific Research,"
"Optimal PD Treatment Strategies," and "Experimental Surgical Procedures."
The Parkinson's Disease Foundation at Columbia-Presbyterian will 'pull down'
the program and make it available at Columbia, West 168th Street in New York.
 One of the PDF neurologists will be present to answer questions.
Reservations are a MUST.  The program runs from 3pm to 5pm Eastern Standard
Time.  For reservations call the PDF office at 212/923-4700 between 9am and