

Great minds think alike, or is that small minds, confused minds....
Whatever, I have contacted the sponsors for permission to have a 30
second spot aired re supporting the Udsll Bill.  Meanwhile, Joan
Samuelson has contacted Hatfields office and he has agreed to do the
spot.  Not only will that have impact but it focuses his attention on
the Udall Bill at a time when his suport is urgent.
I met with Senator Santorum's staff today to seek their aid and
council in getting this Bill moving.  They strongly suggested that
Santorum will be out front in drumming up support for this bill.
Their comment was DC has becomeincreasingly converned about how much
things cost.  Well hears aan issue that is not only people sensitive
but saves huge sums of money once the CURE is found.  They suggested
that he would go to Kassebaum and appeal to her to get this bill
moving for fiscal reasons.  Santorum will be a great ally as he is
noted as a budget cutter so that when he says this makes sense,
others will listen.
Once we get this ball rolling, watch out, people will come out of the
woodwork saying of course this makes sense.  But we got to get it
rolling.  Write or call Kassebaum today.  Or any other on her
Jeffords        Vermont          No     202 228 0338
 Coats  Indiana          No     202 228 3924
Gregg   New Hampshire   No      202 324 4952
 DeWine Ohio            No      202 224 6519
 Ashcroft       Missouri        _       No      202 224 6770
 Abraham        Michigan                No      202 224 8834
Gorton  Washingto       No      202 224 9393
 Kennedy        Massachusetts   Yes(?)        202 224 2417
 Pell   Rhode Island    Yes     202 224 4680
 Dodd   Connecticut     Yes     202 224 1083
 Simon  Illinois                         Yes              202 224 0868
 Harkin lowa                      No    202 224 9369
 Mikulski       Maryland                           Yes  202 224 8858
 Wellstone      Minnesota               Yes            202 224 8438