

Dear Everyone:
My CP has asked me to inquire about your experience with the lag time before
Sinemet (regular or CR) kicks in after taking it. He finds it takes longer
and longer to act and then it lasts a shorter time. He takes one CR about 8AM
then a regular 10/100 at 2:30 and then a second CR at about 6PM. Any of these
take nearly 2 hrs to kick in and only last 1 to 2 hrs.
This increased lag may be due to a threshold effect whereby it takes longer
and longer to reach a blood level that impacts on the disease due to disease
progression and then by the time it peaks and an effect is felt, it's already
time for down time. He does not want to increase dose because of feared
Any thoughts on this will be appreciated. ( I also hope Alan.B. replies [even
tho he can't tolerate CR] because he has so carefully figured out dosage
effects for himself).
Delana (CP 33 yrs in tandem)