

I'm glad to forward this as Barbara requested--Fuad has certainly had
a PD roller-coaster ride!   Camilla Flintermann
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Camilla:
Please forward this to the PD list.  I can't seem to get a message through.
I have tried several times.
Excuse the lateness of this message, but I am still relatively new at
getting around on this internet and I keep sending messages and having them
returned, "wrong address".  I am trying again.
Someone asked about the benefits of Eldepryl.  My husband did the year long
study of Ropinal (I hope this is spelled correctly.)  That was a wonder drug
as far as we were concerned, but the doctor said he couldn't continue
because it was still a test drug so after his symptoms were almost gone he
had to stop.  Then he was started on Sinamet and Eldepryl in January 1995.
When he had trouble staying awake at work he was given Ritalen (spelling?)
to help his blood pressure stay up.  In April 1995 he was started on Permax
and was retired on Disability.  The Permax seemed to make a difference in
the symptoms  After his retirement he worked around the farm (we have a
26000 capacity broiler farm on the Delmarva Peninsula).  The walking and
activity plus the new drugs improved his condition remarkably.  His posture
was good again and the use of his left arm returned almost completely.
Then we took that darn trip.  He went to Rocky Mountain National Park and
the rest is history.  The combination of the high elevation and Ritalen
contributed (the doctor believes) to his stroke.
I am giving you this little history so that I can explain my rationale on
the medication.
After his stroke he continued with Sinamet 25/100 cr 1 tablet three times
daily, Permax 1mg three times daily, Eldepryl 5mg twice (morning and noon).
Within three months of his stroke he could walk short distances around the
house unassisted and was beginning to use a cane in therapy.  His posture
was returning to normal.
However, the doctor felt that he could benefit from a increase in Sinamet
and a decrease in Eldepryl.  About a month after discontinuing just one of
his doses of Eldepryl we noticed that his balance was not as good and he
could no longer use the cane, he went to a wheeled walker (the new great
invention).  Then after the second dose was removed he regressed more.
Last week we went to the doctor and explained the situation and he placed
Fuad back on the Eldepryl.  After just four days on one dose we can see a
difference. I know there are risks, but the Eldepryl really seems to help
his balance.  I let you know more in two weeks when we start the second dose
By the way, Fuad continues to improve from the stroke, if we can just get
the PD under control.  His strength is there, the biggest problem is balance
and I think the Eldepryl helps that the most.
I am sorry if this seems to run on and on, but I did want you to know our
experience with Ritalen, Eldepryl and Permax.  Throw away the Ritalen, but
keep the Eldepryl and Permax.
Barb CP Fuad 60 - 3+
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