

PLEASE FORGIVE me if you may have received this message already. I had
misaddressed it and I got some message that I no longer had access to the
PARKINSN list or listserv. Now that my access is restored here is the message
again, in case it didn't get posted. My sincere apologies for irritating
I posted the info re the Santa Fe,NM site symposium and for those who are
thinking about getting a host or hosting the event yourselves, I would like
to encourage you to do so, but I think it's too late now! It's much easier
than you think! I found the people who help you to organize the event to be
extremely nice and organized -get more info from them -Taking Control of
Parkinson's Disease hotline  (212-880-5336). The info you get from them will
also  be useful for other events you might want to host, e.g., how best to
contact the media re the event, etc.
My experience with the local hospital was excellent. We had a meeting and
discussed what their responsibilities were as well as what our local group's
were, hence no duplication of efforts. They offered to put an ad in our local
paper, and our group put notices in our local newspaper, the throwaway
paper-the calendar listings which are free as well as in our newsletter. We
also contacted local radio & TV stations which provide for public service
announcements.  In addition, we have notified the press through a Media
Alert, to try and cover this event! After all, so many don't know about
Parkinson's Disease.
Since our group is an independent group, i.e., not affiliated with any of the
national organizations, we thought it would be nice to put together a PD
RESOURCE FLYER for those who attended the symposium. We were thinking of
including info on local support groups; the national organizations to get
info and literature; an annotated bibliography of good books on PD; info and
instructions on how to get on this list and caregiver list. If you have any
other suggestions, please e-mail me at [log in to unmask] Once I compile all
this info, I'll post it-and perhaps you can use it (or at least parts of it)!
(I'd really appreciate any recommendations on PD books and a brief
description of it!)
Thank you all, and forgive me if I took too many K's in my posts.
Wendy (CG for John 69, +9 years), Santa Fe, New Mexico
P.S. I've noticed some posts on established sites for the symposium-what I am
curious about is that many are posting the beginning and end time of the
satellite broadcast only. At our site we are planning for 15 minutes
beforehand to introduce the moderator, the purpose of the symposium, etc.,
and then after the broadcast we are planning to have 30 minutes for a
question and answer period. Perhaps you might want to consider the "extra"
time before and after??.