

Mon, Mar 4, 1996
Hello All,
My mother, was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease prior to 1989, she is in a
nursing home, and is currently taking the following medication.
Per day         Medication
3               Sinemet 100/25          PD
?               Temazepam               Sleeping Tablet
150 mgs         Aspirin
1 gm            Paracetamol
50 mgs          Sertaline               Depression
?               Mylanta Tablets         Wind, Heartburn, Upset Stomach
She is very ill with stomach cramps during her off periods, and complains
that the sinemet only lasts for a short while now.
Previously she tried a fourth sinemet at bed time but could not tolerate the
extra one.
I am wondering if anyone could advise me as to how we could perhaps combine
the sinemet together with sinemet CR to give her the same dosage but give
her some relief over a longer period of time.
Her doctor has asked me how I would like to structure her medication so I am
asking for your help
Best regards
Barry Dungey
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