

>From: [log in to unmask] (John Morey)
>Ron, I'm new to PD.  Why not Sinemet as one of your meds?
I used Sinement at first to validate the clinical diagnoses.  After that, I
stopped for two reasons.  First, I changed neurologists and the new doctor
observed that I was having reactions to the sinemet such as sleepiness,
wearing-off effects and cramping.  I suppose we could have gone through some
sort of titration and dose adjustment, but I felt that I did not want to be
on sinemet anyways.  Everything I read said that it was possible (likely?)
that I would begin developing severe side effects after about five years on
sinemet.  My idea was to put off the use of Sinemet as long as possible and
"save" my five year limit as long as possible.  Meanwhile the eldepryl and
permax seem to be adequate.
I have since learned that there are two kinds of PD specialists out there:
those who feel that you should begin with Sinemet immediately and those who
feel you should delay it as long as possible.  My current doctor is from the
second school.  My doctor also said that his experience is that younger
people have more trouble with Sinemet than older.  I mentioned this approach
to another PD specialist (from the first school) and he dismissed it as
being overly cautious.
Bottom line:  I'm going to stay of Sinemet as long as possible.
                Ron Reiner ([log in to unmask])