

Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 16:54:38 -0500
From: [log in to unmask] (Barbara Jarjoura)
Subject: Re:
> Starting some time ago, perhaps as long as a year, we became aware that
>Lynne was having an increasingly difficult time inserting keys in locks,
>fastening seat belts in cars and planes and doing other similar things.
> Can anyone comment or offer any advice? Thanks,
What I have found from Fuad's therapy is that the small motor skills in the
hands and wrists are affected.  Fuad has trouble managing a fork and spoon.
We are trying as therapy a bowl of marbles that he has to pick up with a
spoon and place in another bowl.  Also some flexing type exercises for the
wrists might help.  I know it is frustrating, but like the doctor told Fuad
last week.  He should not worry we all know he is doing his very best and
that is all we can ask.  I am trying to relieve  some of his frustrations
and yet keep him as independent as possible.
Barbara CG  Fuad 60/3+
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