

Geetings to Colleen and Rachael,
    You have come to the right place. In general PD is NOT an inherited
disorder.  Now that does not mean that there have not been instances where PD
has 'run' in families, but these are the exception and not the rule.  There are
other conditions where a tremor is present (familial/essential tremor) and the
bottom line is you need an expert to decide with you.  As to your concerns
regarding your age and PD; I had symptoms as early as 21 and was diagnosed at
the age on 30.  So its not outside the realm of possibilities to get it at your
ages but it is also not crazy to think that you just may be more aware of any
shaking or tremor due to the involvement of a family member. In any case see a
neurologist who has had experience with (preferablly young-onset) PD.
    I wish you the best and hope to hear more in the future.
            God Speed,
                Terry  ([log in to unmask]   and twinpeak I