

Just got home (Mon. 3/4/96 @ 8:30. Got 6 calls to return so I'll call ya
tomorrow (or yoiu call me).TIL THEN, CONSIDER THIS:
About this "need a reporter" message...  You did great last year and that was
while you were unprepared!!   If you need help there - well ok, but I was
counting on you. CAN  you go to WAsh DC?  I'll help all I can to get you
there if you're willing to go - OK? I think y ou'd be more helpful to the
cause than if I went. So please say yes - my lap top's a litttle beat-up, but
of course you can use it there along with the portable printer.
(so I;m a loussyy t ypist ...I'M "OFF" AS UISUAL -- Ha!)
See ya