

I recently joined the news group (3days ago) upon learning my father had been
with PD. The medical profession, and my reading on the internet, confimed that
there was no definitive test for PD.....My father was prescribed
Sinemet.....some improvement in tremor of the hand....but his gait became even
worse...pushed back on the medical did not believe PD was
the correct diagnosis....Medical community insisted PD was correct diagnosis..
My Mother ( who had previously been misdiagnosed, and turned out to have had a
tumour on her spined).....pushed back hard at the medical  profession and
insisted on a brain now has a brain tumour and is
scheduled shortly for MRI......
Thank you Barb Patterson for the welcome to the newsgroup.
I will stick around for a day or two, just in case anyone wants more details and
then sign off. Good luck to you all. Your newsgroup is a most informative
Thank -You