

RE: Depression in PD. Deanna asks about using antidepressants. In Peter's
experience, Prozac 20mg. first thing in A.M. has been helpful in lightening his
mood--he hasn't started dancing any jigs, mind you!  We've tried briefly
adding a second 10mg. Prozac at noon, but saw no effect, so quit it.There is
I think no danger of addiction, and the benefits can be real. Ask your neuro...
I've read that some 30-40% of PDs get depressed--whether it is a direct
result of the disease, or "situational" because one _has_ PD really doesn't
seem to matter much. But it IS treatable to some extent, and that may make life
 easier for all of you.
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 76/6+, Oxford,OH
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