

Hi Folks,
My dad wrote to me and enclosed a picture of himself with a broken nose and
lacerated face.  He was walking and fell flat on his face in the driveway.
 Acoording to him and a neighbor who was watching my dad was walking when
suddenly his pace accelerated into almost a trot where upon he lost his
balance and fell.  Has anyone experienced this problem and is there some way
to avoid it?
Secondly- Dad is scheduled for a pallidotomy in a couple of months and I am
still requesting any personal experiences you guys have had with the
procedure. I have had several replies and have forwarded them to my dad.   If
you have had a pallidotomy and can share what you we like before the surgery-
what the surgery was like and how you are doing now please e mail me or post
here.    I am make a file of all responses and will post it's contents(minus
Phone #s ,etc) at a later date.
Thanks in advance,
Bill Harper Jr  for Bill Harper Sr              [log in to unmask]