

       Indeed this list has been blessing for me. At first as a lurker I learne
d more about parkinsons than I was able to gleen from my neuro or the parkinson
 litature. Then I learned about an operation called Palidotomy from this list.
I began to pester my neuro about it. At first he was less than enthusiastic
about it. although he is a young man (40 + or -)he has seen more than a few so
called cures come and lead to frustration and then go. Persistance finally
 prevailed. He contacted Dr. Cosegrove at Mass Gen. And the screening process
began for my pallidotomy. THrough this list I meet George Lussier who had had
the surgery under Dr. Cosegrove. George was able to put me in touch with three
other people who had this surgery under Dr. Cosegrove. Wow what a way to check
out a dr,
  In the process of qualafying for this operation. I ran into a major problem
with my sleeping med. I cry for help was quickly answered by people on this lis
t. Thank youBarbara, and Judith And others who answered my call.
     I guess the end of this story is that I had a succesfull Pallidotomy on th
e 27th of Feb. and I am very pleased. Only side effect seems to be an inability
to spell , but come to think of it , I couldn't spell befor the oreration.
                                        Ted NELSON
                                                  62   6  pal