

I have been following the discussion re newsgroup vs. listserver with
great interest, and though I do not know how newsgroups work, I do
know that this list serves me well.
I think of this list as another support group and a way of learning
to better cope with given situations, as well as sharing experiences
and making new friends who are able to share my feelings and thoughts.
Hats off to Barbara Patterson who manages our list, and John
Cottingham who faithfully keeps the archives and how to up to date
for us, and I am sure there are others who give their time willingly
as well.
Barbara has given suggestions for those of you who are having
problems with the number of messages received. However, for those of
you who might prefer a newsgroup, another suggestion has appeared at
least twice today. Ron Reiner wrote - 'why not create an unmoderated,
independent newsgroup?'and Stephen Wardwell
wrote - ' remember, it is possible to have a moderated newsgroup, if
someone is willing to wade through it every day.' Any takers?
Personally, I agree with whoever wrote -'if it ain't broke, don't fix
Judith  54/3  London, Ontario