

In my other life, I was A Vice President of Human Resources, and dealt with
these matters from time to time.
In designing Disability pay plans, employers want to build in protection
against having to pay 2/3 or some percentage of salary for life to the person
who alleges "stress or emotional distress," or acute anxiety over the job
 (psychiataric or purely so called 'mental'" conditions.)  Parksinsons is a
NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER which is documented, researched, and can be evaluated
as to degree of progression, syhmptoms, etc.  All Neurological (having a
physiological basis) should be covered, whereas neuroses or psychoses ,
generally considered not to have a physiological basis,  may not be.
As is obvious, I'm not  trained in medicine,, so mydistinction may not be
"completely sound".  Anyway, I hope  you get the idea.  E>G>,   I have
Parkinsons Disease, and it may be the cause of some of my current neuroses,
but it's the neurological aspects that make me disabled, not the
Hope this helps.  Please get back to me if you have any difficulties getting
your employer to see this distinction.  For openers, if they're without a
medical expert on their staff,  they should submit hour case to  the
Insurance Company.  I just can't imagine anything but a local mis
interpretation here.
Dick Age 66 P 13.  On total disability since 9-1-92 for Parkinsons.