

Barb Mallut wrote:
"I suggest MAKE the most of NOW... everyday of the week (which you may
do, and in that case, just delete this puppy). Squeeze the maximum amount of
pleasure and enjoyment (a possible redundancy, but who cares).  If ya can't
take giant steps toward good times and good things, take smaller steps.  But
try to include as many things that you hold precious in to the days and
as you can.  Remind yourself to not only be strong, but to be positive...
can make the difference between merely existing, or really living.  It's not
the partner who'd bring you happiness... the seeds to that are already there
within you."
I'd like to suggest that this advice not be taken by only the PDers out
there.  We all need to live our lives fully.  My husband and I are both
volunteer fire fighters in our "free" time.  We could go into a fire and
never come out.  We could go into a fire and come out with an immediate
disability.  We could go into a fire and come out with the seeds of a future
disability.  But, even our somewhat dangerous "hobby" isn't our only life
threatening activity:  We live in New Jersey.  He travels the NJ Turnpike to
work each day, and I drive other equally exciting roads on my 1.5+ hour
commute (each way, but who's counting?).  Who knows if there's a tractor
trailer with "our name on it" waiting on the next ramp?
There are limitations we all face, some physical, some emotional, some
logistical.  (With a long commute, I can't spend as much time on the yard
work as I'd like, etc., etc.)  Barb's suggestion to 'make the most of now'
is something we all can take to heart.  Further along, Barb says to 'remind
yourself to not only be strong, but to be positive'.  Wouldn't the world be
a much better place if we all tried to follow that suggestion?  Imagine a
news report where they would say 'There was one firebombing in town today, 3
people were hurt, and that was horrible, but there were 350,000 other people
in town who weren't hurt.'
Yeah, we all have our down days (or weeks or months).  I'm not trying to
deny or diminish those.  We just can't let the down days rule our weeks.  We
should "Seize the day!" (is that 'carpe diem'?) and live that day to the
fullest that we can that particular day.
Augh!  That sounds like I'm on the infamous soap box!  I'd better climb down
before I fall.  (My husband frequently reminds me that while that infamous
woman was branded with a Scarlet 'A', I should be branded with a black &
blue 'K' - for Klutz.)
Happy Monday to all.