

Dear friends of Dr. Iacono,
An individual here in Israel who has been waiting many months for
his turn for a pallidotomy (due in April I believe) was just
summarily informed, with no explanation, that Dr. Iacono will not
do the procedure after all. They inferred from this that Dr. Iacono
has been locked out of Loma Linda although this is just a guess.
Their faxes seeking clarification have been repeatedly ignored. I
know of other individuals that I have referred to Dr. Iacono who
have been similarly ignored and/or abused. I have tried, unsuccessfully,
to reach Tony at home or at work by phone and his email address has
ceased to function.
Can anyone enlighten me on what is happening? I feel obligated to
find answers for those who may, to some degree, feel I have led them
down the garden path. Besides, Aviva and I just spoke to a new PD club
here in Jerusalem with about 30 members, several of which wanted to
follow through and we're scheduled to speak to a much larger PD group
again soon. We'd sure like to know the score before we do any more
Iacono boosting.
Tony, Alan, Don, Barbara, Muriel - anyone?
David S. Devor