

Dear Bev, Barb, Susan and others,
Thanks for your responses. The fact remains that after going
all the way to Loma Linda last fall for a workup and getting
a surgery date for early April, they just received a form
cancellation letter from Dr. I. bearing no explanation and
referring them to other surgeons. When, in justifiable distress,
they called Loma Linda, they were given the run around and then,
finally, when their desperation touched the individual from the
Iacono team who was on the line, the individual grudgingly
volunteered the information that Dr. Iacono's contract had not
been renewed by Loma Linda which necessitated the cancellation.
I do not wish to supply names on either side but this family would
have no motive that I can think of to fabricate such a story. I got
my friend Tony on the line but he disavowed any knowledge of the
cancellation or trouble with Loma Linda. That irregularities do
happen, I know from direct experience. We've been trying to get
a discharge letter since Aviva's bilateral pallidotomy over a year
ago since one is occasionally requested by the various specialists
who treat Aviva. While this has been promised many times, the letter
has yet to be forthcoming.
I doubt, somehow, that we're going to get an adequate explanation
for that cancellation letter but if anyone on the list is close
enough to the situation to unearth one, the disappointed family
would like to hear it and so would I. That, notwithstanding, I am
glad to hear that Dr. Iacono is still in business since he does
important, life-saving work.