

Hi All
The mail today has several questions that I may be able to help with----
PINE 3.91
This is the mailer I use and the  'reply' works when I want to send an
answer to the list which I get in the once a day digest format.
I press 'r' when digest is OPEN and get three prompts......
first<include original message? > Isay  'No'
next <use 'reply to' address instead of  'From'>  I say 'Yes'
last <reply to all recipients>  I say 'No'
The proper address is entered and the subject line reads
Re: PARKINSN  Digest - 12  Mar1996 to  13 Mar 1996
It is odd that some 3.91 PINE mailers don't follow the same path.
can a function be eliminated justlike that?
I got my wheels  a year ago  and have posted several messages about them...
they are great. They turn in their own length, they have a shelf/seat,
basket, fold to go in a car trunk, can be checked with baggage on a
plane, become an instant chair in a crowded pub.  They are made in Sweden
and cost almost as much as a Volvo. Just kidding! $400-$500 and may be
covered by insurance. brand name Dolomite.
IT is just about the right time for John Cottingham's regular posting .
But if he is taking a well deserved rest I have step by step instructions
finding two of his earlier messages , which explain the whole procedure.
Let me know if I should post these  instructions to the list.
Anne Rutherford  <[log in to unmask]>