

... Toward the end I was mumbling about
giving up and dying. What pulled me out of it?
Two things. Kristen, my wife, said she needed me. Second, there is
this part of me that just won't let me quit. This part of me just
won't let me stop trying. So I'm still in there swinging.
I running on a few less cylinders but I'm still functioning.
Perhaps, maybe, there is indeed more than one reason for continuing to
try. Kristen, cats, friends, and things I can still do.
So I'm still here. ...
I wonder what this means for those of us without a "Kristen."
And I wonder what "caregivers are really ESSENTIAL" means for us single Parkies.
I know that it does not mean to go to support groups where everyone else has a
partner, or so it always seems.  I think I know what it does mean.  (Did Mike
Altman do anything else that was famous?)  I'm not there yet, not (I hope) by a
long shot.  But I think of those that are, and of those that will be.
I'm still hoping for a "Kristen!"  Still hoping...